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Our Team

Industry veterans with decades of experience.

Austin, Texas downtown skyline.

US-Based Management & Leadership

Our model is based on efficiently blending local and remote resources for each project. The makeup of a team for a given project will be decided early on based on the demands of the project.

All projects are led by a core team of Calavista leaders operating from our US offices. Each project has a designated Executive Sponsor, Solutions Director, and Senior Architect from our internal team. We also provide onshore DevSecOps expertise, Business Analysis/Requirements gathering, and UI/UX design as necessary.

Rich Relationships with Offshore Development

Our offshore teams are not made up of random developers we find on the internet. Rather, we create teams using our established development partners – people that we know, have worked with before, and trust. We also don’t just provide developers, but create fully rounded teams with Business Analysts, Tech Leads, Requirement Managers, Scrum Masters, and more.

At Calavista, we have spent decades cultivating relationships with development partners all over the world. This gives us a deep bench of talent to work with which provide varying strengths at different price points that can be hand-picked to fit your project. Our Solutions Directors and Senior Architects will personally ensure that you have the best resources available to take on your project.

Build a Complete Development Team.

Our teams are carefully curated to make the best use of time, budget, while
addressing the requirements of your project